The value of an investment and the income it produces can go down as well as up and you may not get back as much as you put in.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.
Investing wisely is at the very heart of our advice process. Making sure you preserve your nest egg and ensure you have enough put aside to cover every eventuality is key to a happy investment experience. Accepting some higher risk is paramount to growth but in order to take this risk, you must have an understanding of your capacity for loss. Our job as your adviser is for you to understand this and to explain it clearly to you. Your understanding then ensures a long and fruitful relationship.
In assessing your investment requirements our job, as an professional adviser is to take you through the hundreds of products and thousands of funds, eventually narrowing down to a solution that meets your needs. The range of products available varies from bank and building society accounts, collectives, fixed rate bonds, cash ISAs, equity ISAs and life assurance bonds. All have a place in the investment market and should be considered for suitability within your portfolio. Our investment process is defined, robust and tested.
For ISA’s Investors do not pay any personal tax on income or gains but ISAs do pay unrecoverable tax on income from stocks and shares received by the ISA manager.
Taking advantage of your full tax allowance for your savings is not always achievable, however starting with a small monthly contribution into a savings plan or ISA never fails to bring a little financial comfort in the years to come. As part of our annual reviews, we discuss your savings capacity and recommend the most appropriate solution for you.
Should you wish to know more contact us and we’ll be able to help by working together to find the best solution for you.